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The definition of a trading signal
Trading signals are a prompt for actions such as “buying” and ”selling” an asset or security based on fundamental and technical analysis. Although the indicator is market generated at times, using mathematical algorithms established via market actions, it works in amalgamation with different market factors such as economic indicators.
Functioning of a Trading Signal

Examples of trading signals
Trading signals are a prompt for actions such as “buying” and “selling” an asset or a security. The main aim of Trading Signal is to give investors and traders a mechanical method, without emotions, to buy and sell an asset. There are no limitations to the complexity of a trade signal. Trading signals are points when you buy or sell an asset or security based on a factual set of criteria. An example might be, “for a stock with lower than a certain price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) and prices are above a moving average while interest rates are falling.”